Mary Falkingham Floral Designs

Thanks to Mary Falkingham’s Floral Designs, our office always has a fresh new arrangement to show off to our clients and vendors who stop by! They recently moved into a new studio in Pasadena. Be sure to head over to their website for more information, Mary Falkingham Floral Designs.

Friday Links We Love


We’re looking forward to the weekend! In the meantime, entertain yourself with these links:

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1. A little movie magic brought to you by Buzzfeed.

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2. Share your Instagram feed with those who need some privacy in your restroom. Modcloth has what you’re looking for.

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3. Buzzfeed did it again with another entertaining post this week. Fun facts about Los Angeles. Read HERE.

Featured Event: Jett + Ryan


Did you happen to see the post on 100 Layer Cake last week? If not, check it out HERE. We were thrilled to be a part of this super awesome wedding. The details were perfect and the vendor list was amazing! You can read more about it on 100 Layer Cake.

The appetizer menu included three of our most popular items:

  • Chicken Empanadas
  • Maple Chicken Bite
  • Seared Beef Tenderloin Canape

The dinner menu was fun and casual:

  • Fresh tortilla chips
  • Guacamole
  • Kingston Special: three taco entree selections (carne asada, chicken, carnitas, mixed vegetable, tofu, and potato). includes rice, beans, cilantro, onion, lime, rasta island fusion, rasta red and mild green salsas.


Photo Courtesy of: Steve Cowell


Summer Backyard Party


Looking to spice up your backyard party this summer? Look no further! We have some ideas for your next get together with your friends.


  1. Cali Carts – We will setup our custom cart in your backyard and serve up some sliders! All grilled to order.

2. Homemade chips served in a brown bag! We found this idea on We think it’s a brilliant and easy way to serve up our homemade chips.


3. Agua Fresca station! Let your guests freshen up with a delicious Agua Fresca (spiked or not – we’ll leave that up to you!)

Menu Monday: Figgy Salad


Allow us to introduce our Figgy Salad. This salad includes arugula, baby spinach, goat cheese and crispy prosciutto with fig vinaigrette. This particular one was topped with fresh strawberries.

Gazpacho Shrimp

gazpacho shrimp

Looking for a small dish to add to your event menu? Try our gazpacho shrimp, a chilled soup served in a mini glass with a roasted shrimp on the rim!

Menu Monday: Crab Cakes


This Menu Monday, we’re sharing a delicious tray passed hors d’oeuvres! Our mini crab cakes topped with a cilantro aioli. Be sure to add this to your line up of yummy appetizers at your next event!

Want to see what else we offer? Check out our menu online. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Just ask us!

Friday Five: Links We Love

edit-5266-1401482211-41. Pinterest offers great DIY ideas, however, they don’t always go according to plan! Check out thest 4th of July fails, HERE.

enhanced-30737-1402678380-42. Father’s Day is this Sunday. With that being said here are some Dad Jokes brought to you by Buzzfeed.

10441362_10202332124438005_4920876446349787033_n3. Go Skateboarding Day at the Think Tank Gallery with Rasta Taco and tons of other vendors. Get the details HERE.

Screen Shot 2014-06-13 at 12.09.36 PM4. There’s a lot going on for KCRW’s Summer Nights! Get the schedule on their website.

821x485xskateboardinginiran.jpg.pagespeed.ic.tjxCFPuatL5. Check out these guys as they search high and low for off-beat places to skateboard around the world. You can find it HERE!

Los Angeles Bartending Service

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We have spent the past ten years in the catering business with an emphasis on food, staff and rentals. During this time we couldn’t help but notice how often clients asked if we had a bar catering liquor license. Well, we never did until now. We put together an incredible team, purchased a type 58 ABC liquor license and started Independent Beverage. We work closely with our friends at, Independent Beverage Company, to provide top of the line bar service.


Friday Five: Links We Love


1. Justin’s friend, Bridgett Schack, be sure to check out her website! It could be the entertainment your party needs!


2. This may have went viral a week or two ago but we still think it’s hilarious. Watch on Buzzfeed.



3. Just as the title reads, Morgan Freeman on Helium, need any more description!? Watch HERE.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon - Season 1

4. Not only are Will Ferrell and Chad Smith wearing matching outfits in this video but they do a drum off! Watch it HERE.

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5. Justin thinks this may be his best link yet! Build your own board ONLINE.