Mount Wilson | Observatory Dinner


Every so often we like to think back to events we’ve done! This was in particular was a great event with a great view!

HC was honored to cater a special dinner for exclusive guests in the observatory at Mount Wilson. Here the team comes together to prepare, and serve a delicious meal for 70.

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Featured Event: Jett + Ryan


Did you happen to see the post on 100 Layer Cake last week? If not, check it out HERE. We were thrilled to be a part of this super awesome wedding. The details were perfect and the vendor list was amazing! You can read more about it on 100 Layer Cake.

The appetizer menu included three of our most popular items:

  • Chicken Empanadas
  • Maple Chicken Bite
  • Seared Beef Tenderloin Canape

The dinner menu was fun and casual:

  • Fresh tortilla chips
  • Guacamole
  • Kingston Special: three taco entree selections (carne asada, chicken, carnitas, mixed vegetable, tofu, and potato). includes rice, beans, cilantro, onion, lime, rasta island fusion, rasta red and mild green salsas.


Photo Courtesy of: Steve Cowell


Summer Backyard Party


Looking to spice up your backyard party this summer? Look no further! We have some ideas for your next get together with your friends.


  1. Cali Carts – We will setup our custom cart in your backyard and serve up some sliders! All grilled to order.

2. Homemade chips served in a brown bag! We found this idea on We think it’s a brilliant and easy way to serve up our homemade chips.


3. Agua Fresca station! Let your guests freshen up with a delicious Agua Fresca (spiked or not – we’ll leave that up to you!)

Huntington Daily Catering


We often find that some of our clients are looking to have a drop-off catering service. That’s where Huntington Daily Catering comes into play. Huntington Daily Catering was created to be an easy drop-off catering solution.

The Daily aims to serve you with prompt service and quality food. Corporate meetings, client seminars, neighborhood fundraisers and all sorts of other gatherings are welcome to enjoy our customized delivery menu.

For more information head over to Huntington Daily Catering.

Classic Throw Back: Rice Krispies Treat


Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in event trends. With so many over the top dessert ideas (don’t get us wrong, we love a fancy chocolate chip cookie with sea salt) but sometimes you just have to revert to go back to what you really loved when you were younger. That’s where the classic Rice Krispies Treat comes in. It’s easy, delicious and takes you right back to your childhood.

Summer Appetizer: Cucumber Cup Ceviche

cevice in cucumber app

Fish or Shrimp Ceviche served in a Cucumber Cup might be the best summer appetizer! It’s cool, refreshing and tastes amazing. Pair it with a Rasta Taco Cart and you’re event will be complete. We’d throw in some light bar service too. Nothing can cool you down like some refreshing agua fresca or a Corona.

What’s your favorite summer appetizer?

HC Menu: Accordion Potatoes

acordian potatoe

A fun twist, literally, on a typical dish! Our Accordion Potatoes have multiple slices to create a crispy outside with a fluffy center. It’s a great side dish option that adds a great look to any plate. Not to mention, it tastes great!

Friday Five: Links We Love

balloons-051. Ever wonder what happens when you release 1.5 million balloons at once? Well it was done in 1986 and took a tragic turn. Check out the footage, HERE.

lip-sync-jimmy-fallon-emma-stone2. You’ve probably seen this video already but it’s too good not to post! Watch Jimmy Fallon & Emma Stone do a lip synch battle on Mashable.

cinco-de-mayo3. Do’s & Don’ts of Cinco de Mayo. READ HERE.

vintage-trailer4. We’re thinking we may need to come up with another food truck idea and purchase one of these awesome vintage trailers. Check them out, HERE.


 5. Here are some people who really know how to handle food! Check it out on Buzzfeed.

Menu Monday: Bruschetta Bar


A bruschetta bar is a great stationary hors d’ oeuvre for a small cocktail party or a large wedding. It will keep your guests happy and full!

We have a wide variety of bruschettas; forest mushroom, artichoke, roasted peppers, white bean, classic tomato or olive tapenade. It can be served with crackers or sliced breads.

Go ahead, add a mix of our bruchettas to your upcoming tasting or event!