Kid Friendly Bar Service


When it comes to food & drinks, we think that it’s a family affair! Kids should be able to enjoy what is on the menu. Thanks to our friends at Dash of Sass Events, we have these cool illustrations to explain what options we’re working with.

Keep it simple & classic with a Roy Rogers or mix it up with a Lavender Lemonade. Either way, the kids (and adults) will enjoy these beverages at any event!


Delivery on the Daily

Growing tired of your typical corporate lunch menu? Why not have a drop-off catering service handle it?!


We’ll take the stress out of your menu planning for your next corporate lunch. Head over to Huntington Daily to get the deets.


Huntington Who?


  • Name: Tyler Gossett
  • Job Title: That kitchen guy
  • Favorite Rasta Menu Item: Tacos
  • Favorite Song at the Moment: Bound by Kanye West
  • Would you ever do a reality show? If so, which on? Sure, that Bear Grylls one.
  • Describe yourself in three words: Ice cold stone.

Mount Wilson | Observatory Dinner


Every so often we like to think back to events we’ve done! This was in particular was a great event with a great view!

HC was honored to cater a special dinner for exclusive guests in the observatory at Mount Wilson. Here the team comes together to prepare, and serve a delicious meal for 70.

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Fall Buffet Design

We’re excited for Fall wedding season and the decor that goes along with it! Check out this buffet display at the Los Angeles River Center we did. Did you know that you can also opt for family style or a sit down dinner too? Our menu items are easy to switch from one to the other.


Earthy Wedding Inspiration


Two Be Events coordinated and designed an earthy wedding photo shoot at the Wayfarer’s Chapel in Palos Verdes, CA. We provided our popular bruschetta trio and mini crème brulée. Head over to 100 Layer Cake for more photos and details on this beautiful shoot.

PHOTO: Brian Tropiano

Friday Five: Links We Love

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1. Slide the City: How cool is this? Head over to the website to see if there’s an event coming to your city!

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2. This is pretty painful to watch. An Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story. Watch the trailer HERE.

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3. Forest Man is about a Majuli islander, Jadav Payeng, who has been planting trees since the 1970’s on his island. He has single handedly planted a forest larger than Central Park in NYC.


4. August 8, 1969: The ‘Abbey Road’ Cover was shot! See some outtakes on The Beatles website.

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5. Hayden Cox & Alexander Wang bring you an exclusive installation. Find out more on the Vissla website.

Special Delivery

special delivery

We’ve been digging through our files to try and find some pictures to share with everyone. We had to share this one with you!

First off, we love the Los Angeles River Center! Second, we love our clients!

Have a great week!

The HC Crew