Union Station Wedding

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We are so fortunate to be a part of a couple’s special day! We’re also very lucky to work in some of the greatest places Los Angeles has to offer. We are in the middle of working on a new website and with that we are reminded of the great events we’ve done in the past.

Here’s a beautiful wedding at Union Station!

Photos: James Carson Photography

Huntington Who?


  • Name: Tyler Gossett
  • Job Title: That kitchen guy
  • Favorite Rasta Menu Item: Tacos
  • Favorite Song at the Moment: Bound by Kanye West
  • Would you ever do a reality show? If so, which on? Sure, that Bear Grylls one.
  • Describe yourself in three words: Ice cold stone.

Mount Wilson | Observatory Dinner


Every so often we like to think back to events we’ve done! This was in particular was a great event with a great view!

HC was honored to cater a special dinner for exclusive guests in the observatory at Mount Wilson. Here the team comes together to prepare, and serve a delicious meal for 70.

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Appetizer Idea: Beef & Asparagus Skewer


The other week we posted a photo of our beef & asparagus skewer with hoisin marinade. We thought we’d showcase it on our blog this week! It’s a perfect appetizer for the new season that’s approaching. It will help keep your guests full until dinner is served!

Wedding Late Night Snack Ideas


A wedding late night snack is a popular choice for weddings! After dinner has been served and dancing (and drinking) is well underway, a late night snack is sure to keep guests happy and full. There are so many options, here’s a few ideas:

  • milk and cookie
    tiny milk sip with kingpin chocolate chip cookie
  • pigs in a blanket
    wienies covered in puff pastry
  • street taco
    carne asada with chopped cilantro, onions and salsa

For more ideas check out our online menu HERE.